Houston Fashion Week! :)

Okay … before you read this, you have to know something. I only change font styles to prove a point or to put emphasis on something. With that said…


Oh my goodness, when I first heard, I thought I was going to cry! This could be the best thing to happen since … I don’t know when!!! Houston has always been stereotyped for having a specific style. This could change the view of Houston for everyone. This is an amazing step in our city. I’m so excited to be able to be a part of the beginning of something like this. I do think that this city could be a great addition to the fashion industry.

I didn’t hear much about it, though. My teacher just told us in class today. I will keep everyone updated on it, though. I’m going to go look around this website right now.

*UPDATE* Here’s an article about it, too. It has a little more information.

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